Friday, 20 March 2015

The Dwarf's Reviews of The Hobbit: The Battles Of Five Hours

Hello is welcome of 2015 and is to read of the eyes of your head the reviews of THE DWARF of the filming of The Hobbit: The Battles Of the Five Hours.
If is not see of films as point eyes and browsers of other page as is have many of spoilers as will ruins of films of non-seeing already.

If is still here thens is THE DWARF assumes as is happys of readers of finds details of film as is already refers before so is not sues THE DWARF for spoilerage of films.
Is film as starts as end of last film The Hobbit: The Desecration of Smug when is the Smug dragon flies to Lakeside to burns and attacks town as is very angers of being covers of melting gold giant dwarf of normal of dwarfs. Is very realistic of effects of Lakeside as is very convinces for audience

 Lakeside Town

Also is the very goods of effecting the specials of dragon Smug as is flies over Lakesides with fires and burnings of voice of Sir Bennyhill Crumblehatch

Smug Dragon

When is flies over of Lakeside, is burns of town by Smug as is then shot by Bart the bowman of black arrow and falls on Master of Lakeside as is plays by Sir Stephen Fried.

Is The Masters Of LakeSide

Thens is shows of hows is Thorin of goes mad as is makes by hoards of gold in mountain as is same as other of dwarf sire

Thorins Okensides

Is Bilbo finds stone of calls Arkles and is hides from Thorin as is frightens of goes madder. Is very goods of acts of madded Thorin of plays as of Sir Richard Armature. Is also of goods for acts of Sir Martin Freepost as of hobbits Bilbo Bagend

Is Bilbo Bagend

When is  peoples of Lakeside comes to town of Dave to finds shelters of cold and food from dwarf in not get of any from Thorin and is angers and wants of fights with dwarfs of Erebor then is turns up of Elves of wood, of orcs and of dwarfs of Ironing Hills. Then is of great moment when is of Bjorns turns up as man...

Bjorns as Man

And is then turne into bear and is fights of shapes or bear as in face of goblins, orcs and bat.

 Bjorns as Bear

Then is fight of dwarfs of Ironing Mountain is in great of all scenes of films history as is makes of ever time! When is dwarfs is rides on goats of fight battle!!!!!!!!!

Is great of scenes of films ever of history!!!!!!

 Thens is of big fights of dwarfs and elfs of goblins on mountain and ice which is goes on for very longs of times and sads as is manys of dies includes Wili and Bili of Dwarfs and Thorins.

But is happys as is others of dwarf live of names as like...


Is helpers of Master of Lakeside as calls Alfreds as then disguise as unconvincing woman to escape from battles

Is Alfreds dress of woman

Thens is Bart the Bowman, is plays by Sir Luke Heaven is becomes Kings of mens of towns of Dave and Lakeside

 Barts The Bowmans

And is Dane of Ironing Mountain, plays of Sir Billy Cotton becomes Kings of Erebor

Dane of Ironing Mountain

When is returns of Bilbo to Hobbit town is angers of finds hobbits of takings of all things from his hole and sells of auction and is end of films.

Is Hobbits Auctioneers

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