Thursday, 28 November 2013

THE DWARF Guide to Doctor How

Hello Is THE DWARF as now for tells you 50 interests of things of DOCTOR HOW as is TV Programme of BBC as is now been shows for 50 Years for eye of brains as is not knows of programme DOCTOR HOW.

Of The Doctor
1. Is TV shows of longest of shows of science friction of the world.
2. Is stars of character as is calls "The Doctor"

Is The Doctor

3. So if is calls him 'Doctor How' you are of mistake
4. Is The Doctor not humans but is of aliens of calls 'Time Lard' as is 1200 years of old
5. Is Time Lards of lives and comes on planet Gallipoli
6. Is all Time Lard of have 2 hearts
7. Is Time Lard of also haves no liver
8. Is Time Lards have 13 reincarnations after is dead
9. Is The Doctor as in reincarnation 11 of current programme
10. Is The Doctor as be plays by 11 or 12 or 13 differents of actors

Things of The Doctor
11. Is The Doctor travels around of space and time in space and time machine
12. Is machine as calls T.U.R.D.I.S.


13. Is TURDIS stands for words 'Travel Universe Relations Directions In Space'
14. Is TURDIS as have specials disguise as is not looks of Time Machine but is blends in of any place
15. Is TURDIS have chameleon circus inside
16. Doctor is have of special tool call 'Chronic Screwdriver'
17. Chronic screwdriver is goods of does many thing as is Doctor think of
18. Is The Doctor makes of robots dog as call K9 as have crap voice
19. Is have of K9 as gun in nose (and drops grenades on pavements probably, to the thinking of THE DWARF!!)
20. Is haves 2 cars in 1970s, calls of Betty and Howmobile

Is The HowMobile

Friends of The Doctor
21. Is of The Doctor as haves many of friends as travels in TURDIS
22. Is haves caveman girl as calls Lilo as friend
22. Is also have friend as is man in skirt calls 'Jamesie'
23. Is friend of girl names 'Rose Tiler' as is most important girl in universe
24. Is friend of girl names 'Amy Pong' as is most important girl in universe
25. Is friend of girl names 'Clara Oswald Oswald' as is most important girl in universe
26. Some of friends is aliens as is names Turlo, Odrick but is looks of humans
27. Is once haves friends as is robots calls Camel-lion which is looks of anything and is kills by The Doctor
28. One friends as calls Jack Hardness is then turns into giant head in jar as calls as 'The Face of Po'

Face of Po

29. Is once had friends as is Time Lard Lady calls Romana as is marries in real life
30. Is also friends of 2000 years old plastic Roman.

Enemies of The Doctor
31. Is have of mains enemy as calls 'Dalek' which is octopus in a dustbin

Dalek - is Octopus inside 

32. Is many fights of Daleks as is kills all in 'Time War'
33. But is then for finds out as not kills all Daleks after all
34. Is also of many fights of men in robots calls 'Cidermen'

Is Ciderman, probably

35. Is Cidermen as have robots pets as called 'Cider Rats'
36. Is also of Cidermen have stupids of things as robot chimpanzees at christmas. Is probable of calls 'Ciderchimps' or something.
37. Is also of fights with alien potatoes calls Sontaran



38. Is The Doctor as haves enemy Time Lard calls 'The Master' as is always of tries of takes over Earths as is pretends as be vicar or prime minister
39. Is once haves battles with robots of yeti and robots of Loch Ness (which is makes of aliens calls 'The Bygones')
40. Also is fights of giant underwater budgies in string vests

Giant underwater budgie in string vest

History of The Doctor
41. Is used as lives in junkyards in begins or programs
42. Is haves of Granddaughter
43. Is not haves of daughter
44. Is then haves of different daughter
45. Is presidents of Gallipoli
46. Is then not presidents of Gallipoli
47. Is kills of all Time Lard in revenge
48. Is also of calls 'The Vineyard'
49. Is rip-off Benjamin Button as is old when is young and is young when is old.
50. Is once turned into Dobby from Harry Potter by The Master

 Is turns into Dobby

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