Here is the biographic of THE DWARF!
Is the born as to 47 years ago in the great lands of Krygyzstan in the large town of Zmut with population of 243 and goats. Zmut is near capital of Bishkek which is having many of the goats plus shops and a car. Is for the youngs as THE DWARF as to go to school which is 32 kilometers away around mountain by goat.
When is 14, is left of the school with degree in astrophysics, cerfticket in politic and large experience in caprine husbandry. Is not for the allow as to leave country as is then Soviet republic but is walk for long distance up a mountain once.
Is THE DWARF as a boy
Is then author of the many as the best selling books in Kyrgyzstan such like "Zmiddel Duntash" ("One Man and his Goat"), "Zfestik Grindeg" ("War and Goats"), "Zery Tesikin" ("A Brief History of Goats"), "Zvuntid Sarmet" ("To Kill a Mocking Goat"), "Zoriy Lorrinz" ("Of Goats and Men") and "Zdenitr Ormizh" ("My Life As A Goat") which in 1997 is make into a movie starring Frintis Rolens, Goringoe Jaiopef and David Hasselhof.
With the great wealth from the sales of books, is the buy of THE DWARF as to many parts of the land of Kyrgyzstan around Zmut and Bishkek and is goat millionaire. Is then for the buys of many of electrics such like "Alba stereo", "Goodmans Television", "Amstrad PCW 1512" and is read of the writes in the manuels for electrics and is how is learn English reads and writes for the good.
Is a goat of Kyrgyzstan
After some years is very well known as the clever of Kyrgyzstan and rich but is lose all money in game of "Spot the goat" and is forced as to become bus conductor. When is the collapse of Soviet Onion, is no more money for transport and is very sad when bus tyre burst and no more tyres in Kyrgyzstan so no bus and no jobs for THE DWARF.
Then is THE DWARF as to buy guitar and is writes of the great songs ans is to become the big rocking star in Kyrgyzstan and is have of the 15 number ones with the sales in excess of 167 album call "How Much Is That Goat in the Window" and also in Takla Makan is the fanclub of THE DWARF. Then is found by Police as to having taken some of the drug "zmak" and is in prison for two year and all record is burn in town square of Bishkek.
Another Goat
When is from prison is then work in goat hospital but is very sick when is found as has allergy to goat (is very serious in Kyrgyzstan!). When sitting in home away from goat as very sad but is learning home computes from Amstrad PCW 1512 and is connect to internet.
Is the Amstrad computer of THE DWARF!
Is now the expert on computes for the whole of Kyrgyzstan and is expert on language programmings such as COBOL, Fortran and other advances. Is the write of the internet for Kyrgyzstan and is inventor of "Virtual Goat" for Kyrgyzstanis with goat allergy and is makes millions again (but no goats).
Virtual Goat
Is the own of a television and is see of the great beauty of the English Politic as called "Anne Widdlecob. Is writes many of the great and longs to Widdlecob who is not for the writes in return. Is the long hope of THE DWARF as to the meets Of Widdlecob who is then to see as THE DWARF is the very great for husband as is handsome does and is very of the rich with 40,000,000 Soms (238 Dollar US) as last estimating.
Is now the travels all over Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and is own of a bike with pump and lights.
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